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   Our county has had more than its share of interesting people over the past 200+ years.

   Some of the more prominent ones, like Johnny Appleseed, Dan Emmett, Amelia Bloomer and Paul Lynde,  are featured among our Museum exhibits.

   But there are many more lesser-known folks whose stories are worth hearing as well. Here are some of them.


Knox County is Right on the Money!

   There cannot be very many counties in the United States that can point to even one of their citizens appearing on U.S. currency, let alone two, and if you are willing to stretch the point a little, even three or four!

   The first of these is the great-grandfather of the noted Hollywood actor, William Windom.

Read more: Knox County is Right on the Money!

Knox County is Right on the Money! (Part II)

   Knox County, Ohio, may be unique in America for having had two of its early citizens grow up to become Secretaries of the United States Treasury. And in addition, Kenyon alumnus, Edwin Stanton, also appears on a U.S. $1.00 Treasury note of 1890, while Salmon P. Chase, nephew of Kenyon College founder, Bishop Philander Chase, served as well as U.S. Secretary of the Treasury under Lincoln and has the distinction of appearing on the U. S. $10,000 bill.

  Knox County is, indeed, "right on the money!"

Read more: Knox County is Right on the Money! (Part II)

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Knox County Historical Society

875 Harcourt Road
Mount Vernon, OH 43050

Phone No. : (740) 393-5247
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