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The Mount Vernon Bridge Co.

   For nearly a hundred years there was a company in Mount Vernon that built some of the most beautiful bridges in America.

   The Mount Vernon Bridge Company began in 1880 and soon was turning out not only small iron bridges for county streams but also massive structures across rivers for highways and railroads. The plant was located near the present-day B. & O. Depot, close to the major Cooper Company buildings of the early 1900's.

Mount Vernon Bridge Co. Builder's Plate-1885


   Just after the close of World War I there was a great need for the repair and expansion of our nation’s railroad bridges, and the growing automobile industry created a need for many new highway bridges as well. Many of their bridges were constructed over the Ohio, Missouri and Mississippi Rivers, while others were bascule, or lift type bridges, such as those still operating in downtown Chicago, Illinois, or this one on Route 6, over the Black River in Lorain, Ohio.

MV Bridge Co-Lorain Bascule

   During World War II, the Bridge Company built many LCT and LCM landing craft for the U.S. Navy.










    In addition to building hundreds of bridges across America, the Mount Vernon Bridge Company also constructed the steel structures for The Ohio Stadium, St. John Arena, and the Neil House, all in Columbus, Ohio.

   Their great reputation was due to men like Harry Bowden, Thomas Lewis, and Mr. Clyde Conley, whose 60 years with the Bridge Company contributed greatly to its success.

To learn more about The Mount Vernon Bridge Co.:


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Knox County Historical Society

875 Harcourt Road
Mount Vernon, OH 43050

Phone No. : (740) 393-5247
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