Give Us a Call: (740) 393-5247

Genealogy Services

   Our Knox County Historical Society Museum is one of several resources available locally to persons conducting family research.

   The Knox County Genealogical Society has the greatest number of informational sources available locally, including convenient access to relevant courthouse and related records.  CLICK HERE  to visit the Knox County Genealogical Society website.

   The Public Library of Mount Vernon and Knox County maintains an excellent Reference Room, with many useful volumes on area history as well as all available microfilm files for local newspapers, census records, ship rosters, etc.  CLICK HERE  to visit the Public Library website.

                                                  Historical Society Genealogy Services

   For many years our Museum personnel have provided assistance to genealogy researchers on a fee basis, both privately and as a Museum service. Consequently, we now have files for more than 1000 surnames (see below), as well as quite a large number of related reference materials unavailable elsewhere, such as a nearly complete collection of all the published local city, county and telephone directories, Revolutionary War "Patriot Files" for DAR research, etc. We can, of course, research any Knox County-connected family name requested.

   We are fortunate to have an excellent person at our Museum who can provide family research for those unable to visit our facility. Our fee for the service is $35.00 per surname, which covers her time and expertise in consulting the large number of sources and all related copying and mailing costs. Proceeds from this service support our many Museum programs.

   For each surname requested, we will search the sources listed below. We do not, however, consult sources outside our Museum Archives, such as courthouse, health department or public library records. For more information, call us at 740-393-5247.

If you choose to use our service, PRINT AND COMPLETE THIS FORM and send with your check for $35.00 per surname, and payable to:

Knox County Historical Society
P. O. Box 522
Mount Vernon, OH  43050

(Attn: Genealogy Services)


A History of Knox County, Ohio: From 1779 to 1862 Inclusive, by A. Banning Norton.
      Columbus: Richard Nevins, Printer, 1862.

History of Knox County, Ohio: Its Past and Present by N. N. Hill. 
     Mount Vernon, Ohio: A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881.

Biographical Record of Knox County, Ohio.
Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1902.

Past and Present of Knox County, Ohio. (2 vols.) by Albert B. Williams.
     Indianapolis: B. F. Bowen and Company, 1912.

History of Knox County, Ohio: 1876 - 1976 (2nd Ed.) by Frederick N. Lorey.
     Mount Vernon, Ohio: The Knox County Historical Society, 1992.

Knox County, Ohio: Fact and Folklore by J. Robert Hopkins.
     Mount Vernon, Ohio: Privately published, 1996.

History of North Central Ohio:
     Embracing Richland, Ashland, Wayne, Medina, Lorain, Huron and Knox Counties
(In 3 volumes)
      by William A. Duff. Topeka & Indianapolis: Historical Publishing Company, 1931

* * * * *

Atlas of Knox County, Ohio (1871)  Granville, Ohio: Caldwell & Starr, Publishers, 1871.

Atlas of Knox County, Ohio (1896)  Philadelphia: E. R. Caldwell, Publisher, 1896.



Published Records as Compiled or Edited by Richard DeLauder:

Birth Records of Knox County, Ohio: 1867- 1908
     Mount Vernon, Ohio: Knox Co. Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, 1997.

 Marriage Records of Knox County, Ohio: 1808 - 1898 (In 2 volumes).
     Mount Vernon, Ohio: Knox Co. Chapter of OGS: 1995 and 1999.

 Knox Co., Ohio, Obituaries: 
     (Vol I, Compiled from The Ohio Register, Democratic Banner, Times, True Whig, and Republican News, 1889,
        Vol II, Compiled from The Democratic Banner:1890-1909.)  Mount Vernon, Ohio: 1999.

 Death Records of Knox County, Ohio: 1867-1908.
     Mount Vernon, Ohio: Knox Co. Chapter of the OGS, 1994.

Cemetery Records of Knox County, Ohio (In 2 vols.)
     Mount Vernon, Ohio: Knox Co. Chapter of the OGS, 1991 and 1992.

Knox County, Ohio, Will Abstracts: 1808 -1877. 
Privately published, 1999.

Additional Sources: 

Death Notices in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, Newspapers: 1818 - 1910  (In 2 volumes.)
     Compiled by Russell E. Peffers.  Mount Vernon, Ohio: Privately published, 1999.

Mount Vernon City Directories (available for the years 1858, 1876, 1884, 1896,
     and most years from 1906 to present).

Knox County Rural Directories (occasional years from 1915 to the present).

Telephone Directories for Mount Vernon and Knox County communities for all known years published,
     from 1898 to the present.



Ackerman   Adams   Akin   Alexander   Allen   Allison   Amadon   Amsbaugh   Anderson   Ankeny   Appleton   Arbuckle   Ardner   Armentrout   Armstrong   Arnold   Ash   Ashley   Askins   Atherton   Atwater   Austin   Ayres


Bailey   Baker   Baldwin   Balleu   Baltzell   Banbury   Banning   Barcus   Barchus   Barker   Barney   Barnhard   Barr   Bartlett   Bartoe   Barton   Bates   Baugh   Baughman   Baxter   Beach  Beals   Beam   Beard   Beardshear   Beatty   Bebout   Bechtel   Bechtol   Beck   Beckley   Bedell   Beeler   Beeman   Beeny   Beers   Behrle   Bell   Belt   Benedict   Bennett   Bequeaith   Berry   Bevans   Bickerdyke   Biggs  Biler   Bird  Black   Blackman   Blair   Blake   Blakely   Blaker   Bland   Blinn   Bloom   Blubaugh   Blue   Blystone   Bockoven   Boggs   Bolin   Bolton   Bonar   Bonham   Bonnet   Bontrager   Borror   Bostwick   Bowie   Bowland  Bowman   Boyd   Boyle   Braddock   Bragg   Branyan   Brashear   Brent   Brentlinger   Bricker   Britton   Broughton   Brown   Browning   Bryant   Buckingham   Bull   Bulyar   Bumpus   Burgess   Burk   Burkholder  Burr   Burris   Butcher   Butler   Buttles   Buzzard   Byrd


Cackler   Cain   Campbell   Carey   Carghnan   Carl   Carmichael   Carpenter   Carrico   Carter   Cary   Case   Cassell   Cassil   Casto   Cavanaugh   Caywood   Chadwick   Champion   Chapman   Charpie   Chase   Childs   Claflin   Clark   Clemmens   Clutter   Cobean   Cochran   Coffield   Coffing   Coggins   Coile   Cole   Coleman   Colopy   Colville   Colwill   Conard   Conkle   Conners   Cook   Coolidge   Copus   Cordell   Cordrey   Cornell   Cornwell   Cosner   Cotton   Cowden   Cox   Coy   Craft   Craig   Craven   Crawford   Creglow   Crestell   Crider   Crise   Critchfield   Cullison  Cummings   Cunningham   Currier   Curtis


D'Adley   Dague   Dally   Dalrymple   Daniels   Darling   Davidson   Davis   Davisdon   Dawson   Day   Dean   Debes   Debolt   Decker   Deeley   Delano   Denman   Dennis   Denny   DeQuille   Devere   Devoe  Devore   DeWitt   Dexter   Dial   Dice   Dickerson   Dickson   Dillon   Disney   Doolittle   Dorsey   Doud   Douglas   Doup   Downs   Dudgeon   Dunbar   Duncan   Dunham   Dunlap   Dunmire   Dunn   Durbin


Eagle   Ealy   Earlywine   Easterday   Eastman   Eddy   Eggleston   Eichler   Eis   Eley   Elliott   Elwell   Emsville   English   Enlou   Evans   Evers   Ewers   Ewing


Fackler   Farmer   Farquhar   Farrison   Fawcett   Fell   Felton   Fisher   Fitting   Flecknoe   Fleming   Fletcher   Flynn   Foot   Fordney   Fowler   Fowls   Fox   Franklin   Freeman   French   Frost   Fry   Fuller   Furby


Gable   Garrett   Gaumer   Gearhart   Gehres   Geitgey   George   Gibb   Gibson   Giffin   Gilcrist   Gillespie   Girty   Givens   Glancy   Glass   Gleason   Goodale   Gordon   Gore   Gotshall  Graham   Grant   Grassbaugh   Gray   Greenslade   Greer   Gregg   Grove   Grubaugh   Grubb   Gunn   Guthrie   Guy


Haire   Hall   Hallpruner   Ham   Hamilton   Hammond   Hammonds   Hampshire   Hamtramck   Haney   Hanger   Hankins   Harden   Hardesty   Harding   Hardinger   Harper   Harris  Harrison   Harrod   Hart   Hartgrove   Hartsook   Hartz   Haslett   Hastings   Hauck   Hauger   Hawn   Hayden   Hayes   Hays   Headington   Heaton   Hedrick   Heidy   Henderson   Henegan   Henry   Herron   Hershman   Hess   Hibbetts   Hickman   Higgins   Hildebrand   Hildreth   Hildreth   Hilger   Hill   Hillier   Hipsley   Hoar   Hobbs   Hodges   Hoffmire   Hogle  Holderman   Holt   Honey   Hooker   Hopkins   Horn   Hornbeck   Houck   Houston   Hubbell   Huff   Huffman   Huggins   Hull   Humphries   Hunt   Hunter   Hustick   Hutchinson   Hyatt  Hyde


Inscho   Ireland   Isles   Israel


Jackson   Jacobs   Jacobus   Jenkins   Jewell   Jinkins   Johnson   Jones   Jordan


Kaylor   Kearney   Keck   Keeler   Kegg   Keigley   Keister   Keller   Kelley   Kemmerer   Kennedy   Kerr   Kershner   Kester   Kick   Kidwell   Kile   Kilkenny   Kimmel   Kindinger   Kinney  Kinsey   Kirby   Kirk   Kirkpatrick   Kisor   Knouff   Knowles   Knox   Koons   Koppert   Koscht   Kost   Kuhn   Kunkle


Lahmon   Lamb  Lambert   Lambillotte   Lamson   Land   Langford   Larimore   Lash   Lauder   Lauderbaugh   Lawhead   Lawler   LeBlond   Leckliter   Lee   Leedy   Lemon   Lenhart  Leonard   Lepley   Levering   Lewis   Liechenlighter   Lifer   Lillie Lincoln   Lindsey   Linn   Linson   Lipps   Little   Livingston   Lofland   Logsdon   Logue   Long   Lore   Lorey   Losh  Louderback   Love   Loveridge   Lovett   Loyd   Lucas   Lutz   Lybarger   Lybrand   Lydick   Lynch   Lynde   Lyon   Lyons


MacKenzie   Magers   Mahaffey   Main   Mann   Mannville   Mantonya   Maring   Markley   Marple   Marquand   Marquis   Marshall   Martin   Marvin   Masters   Matheny   Matthews  Matthias   Maxfield   McArdle   McCamment   McClain   McClelland   Mconnaughey   McCormack   McCreary   McCullough   McDaniel   McDonald   McDowell   McFarland   McFeeley   McGill  McGinley   McGugin   McGuire   McIlvaine   McIntire   McKay   McKee   McKibben   McKinley   McKinsey   McKowan   McKowen   McLarnan   McMillen   McNutt   McPherson   McPike  McQueen   McVay   McWilliams   Mefford   Melker  Melton   Mendenhall   Merideth   Merritt   Metcalf   Mettler   Middleton   Miles   Miller  Miller/Clark   Minor   Mitchell   Mix   Mize   Mizer  Mock   Monroe   Moore   Moreland   Morey   Morgan   Moriarty   Moriatt   Morningstar   Morris   Morrison   Mosholder   Mossholder   Muck   Murphy   Murray   Myers


Naff   Neff   Neiderhouser   Neighbarger   Neptune   Newell   Noffsinger   Nye   Nyhart


Oldacre   Oldham   Olney   Orr   Orsborn   Osborne   Ostrander


Page   Palmer   Pargeon   Parish   Parker   Parks   Parrot   Parson   Patrick   Patterson   Payne   Pealer   Pearl   Peck   Penn   Perkey   Peugh   Phifer   Phillips   Phils   Pickard   Pierson  Pinkley   Pipes   Pittman   Plimpton   Plumb   Plummer   Poland  Pollock   Poole   Popham   Porter   Postelwait   Potter   Potwin   Powell   Powers   Probasco   Proctor   Proper   Prouty  Pruner   Pumphrey   Purcell   Purdy   Putnam


Quack   Quidor   Quinn


Ralston   Ramey   Ransom   Rashley   Rathell   Raub   Redick   Reed   Reep   Rees   Reichenbach   Reinhart   Resley   Reynolds   Rhinebolt   Rice   Richert   Ridde   Ridenour   Rightmire  Riley   Rine   Ringwalt   Riss   Robberts   Roberts   Robertson   Robinson   Robison   Roger   Roop   Rosecrans   Rosenthall   Ross   Rowley   Royce   Rudin   Runkles   Rupp   Rush   Rusk  Russell


Sager   Sailor   Salisbury   Samples   Sanderson   Sanford   Sapp   Saunders   Scarbrough   Schaub   Schenck   Schmitz   Schnebley   Scholder   Schooler   Schroeder   Schwartz   Scoles  Scott   Scribner   Sears   Seavolt   Sellers   Sells   Semple   Severe   Severns   Sevolt   Seymour   Shade   Shadley   Shafe   Shaffer   Sharp   Shaw   Shelby   Sheldon  Shellenbarger   Sherman   Shipley   Shipp   Shira   Shrimplin   Shultz   Shur   Silcott   Simmons   Simpkins   Simpson   Sisk   Skeen   Slack   Slator   Smale   Smith   Smoots   Snedeker  Snider   Snow   Snowden   Snowden.Ben   Snyder   Sockman   Solomon   Spearman   Speck   Sperry   Spindler   Spracklin   Sprague   Springer   Spry   Squires   Staab   Saats   Stacher  Stanley   Stauffer   Steele   Steiner   Steinmen   Steinmetz   Stephenson   Sterling   Stevens   Stewart   Stigers   Stilley   Stinger   Stitzel   Stockett   Stofer   Stone   Stotts   Stoutenburg   Stover   Stoyle   Stricker   Strong   Struble   Stull   Summit   Surlas   Sutton   Swails   Swetland   Swift   Swigert   Swingley   Switzer


Tait   Tate   Tavenner   Taylor   Teel   Terrill   Thalls   Thatcher   Thayer   Thomas   Thompson   Thrailkill   Thrift   Tiffin   Timberlake   Tims   Tipton   Torode   Totman   Tracy   Traer  Travis   Trickle   Trimble   Trump   Tucker   Tullos   Turner   Turney   Tuttle   Tweed


Ulrey   Upfold   Upham


Vail   VanAnam   VanAkin   VanBuskirk   Vance   Vannausdale   Vannausdle   VanNostrand   Vanvoorhis   Varian   Vaughan   Veatch   Vernon   Vian   Vincent


Waddell   Wade   Wagner   Wagon   Walcott   Walker   Wall   Wallace   Walles   Walsh   Walters   Ward  Wartenbe   Waterford   Watson   Watts   Way   Welch   Welker   Wells   Westcott   Wheeler   Whisler   White   Whitney   Wilkey   Wilkinson   Williams   Williams   Willoughby   Wilson   Winand   Wing   Winget  Wise   Witt   Wolf   Wolfe Wolford   Woltz  Wolverton   Woodford   Woods   Wooster   Workman   Worley   Worthington   Wright   Wythe


Yarman   Yauger   Yearous   Yoakum   Young


Zeig   Zelkowitz   Zieg   Zimmer   Zimmerman   Zolman   Zook   Zuccaro


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Knox County Historical Society

875 Harcourt Road
Mount Vernon, OH 43050

Phone No. : (740) 393-5247
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