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September 2: Unexpected Healer: The Story of Dr. Jane Payne

Presented by Dr. Lorle Porter.

We are most fortunate to have Dr. Lorle Porter return to our Museum to present not
just one, but two excellent programs for our Fall schedule.
For many years she has been gathering information on one of America's early women doctors, Dr. Jane Payne, who practiced medicine here in Mount Vernon from 1860 until her death in 1882.
Dr. Payne's work and sacrifice here during and after the Civil War was a great blessing and an inspiration to the sick and needy of Knox County.

September 5: Cooper-Bessemer “Old Timers Gathering”

Once again, we'll be hosting visitors to the C-B Old Timers get-together on Saturday, September 5 from noon to 4:00 or so at the Museum.
For nearly 20 years, retirees from The Cooper-Bessemer Corporation and its successors have gotten together in the early Fall to reminisce about the good old days at C-B, and an afternoon visit to the Museum has always been part of the weekend event.
As an added feature this year, Norm Shade will be giving a presentation entitled, "Cooper-Bessemer: 165 Years of Engine and Compressor Innovation" from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 for all who are interested. Mr. Shade spent more than 30 years with the Cooper Cameron Corporation in engineering, management and executive positions. His
PowerPoint presentation will be based on his recent publication on this topic for the Coolspring Power Museum in Coolspring, Pennsylvania.
We are always happy to see C-B retirees return from all over the country to spend some time with us, seeing some of our displays that tell the story of Knox County's longest standing company.

September 7 ": “Celebrating 100 Years at The Knox County Chamber of Commerce” presented by Matt Starr and The Chamber of Commerce

Our Museum has been pleased to participate in a variety of ways in this year's celebration of the 100th anniversary of Knox County's Chamber of Commerce.

Our program will present the recently completed documentary film, "Uncommon Brilliance Then and Now: A History of Business in Knox County," produced by Matt Starr and his I-Conn Video production company, with interview settings and many of the historic photographs provided at our KCHS Museum. Come meet the stars of this new film.

September 6 “Mother Bickerdyke at 200” presented by Darlene Gage

Knox County's famous Civil War nurse, Mary Ann (Ball) Bickerdyke, was born here just 200 years ago, on July 19, 1817. Her life story will be portrayed by well-known Ohio living history interpreter, Darlene Gage, who also honored Mother B. this past July 19 at the special ceremony at the Bickerdyke historic marker on Mount Vernon's Public Square.

October 4 "Stories of the Civil War" presented by Robert Geiger

For nearly 20 years, Knox County Career Center instructor, Robert Geiger, has offered his popular elective class on America's Civil War. He will share many of the highlights of his class, as well as some of the Knox County special projects his students have produced.

November 1 “Central Ohio Coverlets & Weavers” presented by Sharon Pinka

Independent quilt researcher, Sharon Pinka, will share her considerable knowledge about our area's weavers and the coverlets and other beautiful textiles they produced in the mid-1800's.

December 6: Meeting has been cancelled

The December 6 meeting of the Knox County Historical Society has been cancelled. The Museum will be closed as usual for its winter break from December 1 through Wednesday,

March 7, 2018.

Messages can be left for Museum personnel at 740-393-5247, or to speak personally to someone, call 740-397-3503.

Watch this space for announcements about upcoming activities and monthly Historical Society programs for 2018.

Unless otherwise noted, our monthly meetings are held at the
Historical Society Museum
875 Harcourt Road
Mount Vernon OH 43050

Programs begin at 7:30 p.m.
Free and open to the public.
For more information,
call the Museum at 740-393-5247.

Upcoming Events

Knox County Historical Society

875 Harcourt Road
Mount Vernon, OH 43050

Phone No. : (740) 393-5247
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.