Give Us a Call: (740) 393-5247

September 5: Cooper-Bessemer “Old Timers Gathering”

Once again, we'll be hosting visitors to the C-B Old Timers get-together on Saturday, September 5 from noon to 4:00 or so at the Museum.
For nearly 20 years, retirees from The Cooper-Bessemer Corporation and its successors have gotten together in the early Fall to reminisce about the good old days at C-B, and an afternoon visit to the Museum has always been part of the weekend event.
As an added feature this year, Norm Shade will be giving a presentation entitled, "Cooper-Bessemer: 165 Years of Engine and Compressor Innovation" from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 for all who are interested. Mr. Shade spent more than 30 years with the Cooper Cameron Corporation in engineering, management and executive positions. His
PowerPoint presentation will be based on his recent publication on this topic for the Coolspring Power Museum in Coolspring, Pennsylvania.
We are always happy to see C-B retirees return from all over the country to spend some time with us, seeing some of our displays that tell the story of Knox County's longest standing company.

Unless otherwise noted, our monthly meetings are held at the
Historical Society Museum
875 Harcourt Road
Mount Vernon OH 43050

Programs begin at 7:30 p.m.
Free and open to the public.
For more information,
call the Museum at 740-393-5247.

Upcoming Events

Knox County Historical Society

875 Harcourt Road
Mount Vernon, OH 43050

Phone No. : (740) 393-5247
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.