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Museum Assists with Chamber Centennial Video

The year 2016 marks the 100th anniversary of Knox County's Chamber of Commerce, and we've been providing quite a bit of help with the production of their centennial celebration video which highlights events and stories from the past 200 years here. Just after our December holiday get-together the Museum hosted 2 long days of in-depth video interviews by Matt Starr and his I-Conn Video Production staff.
Hour-long discussions were filmed with Gloria Parsisson and Jim Gibson from the KCHS, and Howard Sacks, Ric Sheffield, and Tom Stamp from Kenyon, Bill Bridges from MVNU, and Aubrey Brown, David Greer, Janet Wacker, and Lorle Porter.
The I-Conn crew came back to the Museum for a two additional days to take
dozens of still pictures of artifacts from our collection for use in the video. The Chamber Centennial officially began on February 18, 2016, and will be celebrated throughout the year. The video is expected to be completed by August, and we have scheduled it to be shown as part of our September 7 monthly meeting, recognizing the Chamber's excellent 100-year history.

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Knox County Historical Society

875 Harcourt Road
Mount Vernon, OH 43050

Phone No. : (740) 393-5247
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