Give Us a Call: (740) 393-5247

Museum Visits and Presentations Continue Throughout Winter Months

Written by James K. Gibson

Even though we close the Museum for daily visits during December, January and February, we still have quite a few group tours as weather permits as well as special presentations outside the Museum during our winter break.
During January and February we have hosted a tour by the Disability Services Group, one of several area facilities that assist handicapped workers in Knox County. We also presented a slide program about early Knox County history for the folks at The Living Center in Mount Vernon, and we assisted with Virgil Shipley's slide program for the Kiwanis Club at the Alcove. A program on the Big Band Era, with Glenn Miller and Tommy Dorsey videos is also available for groups and fans of this great music, and we're working on a program called "Things We Used to Use But Don't Anymore." Give us a call at 740-393-5247 to schedule our shows.

In January we again gave our annual hour-long presentation to the Knox County Commissioners, highlighting Historical Society and Museum activities for the year, 2015. We appreciate the opportunity each year to share our story with the Commissioners, and we very much appreciate the support and donation of artifacts that they have made over the past years.
March brings even more visits and presentations. For the 17th consecutive year we will again host the Chamber of Commerce's "Leadership Knox History Day," when more than 20 representatives of area businesses and service agencies spend the morning with us, then tour other historic sites in the area. We'll also have a visit from an Apple Valley Play Group, with about a dozen preschoolers. And on the 19th, we will be participating in a panel discussion at the Region 6 Annual Meeting of the Ohio Local History Alliance, to be held at Dawes Arboretum in Newark.
All these winter activities help to get us ready for the month of May, when we host about 300 area third graders at the Museum, school by school, after they have finished studying their curriculum unit on Knox County History. It's great to spread the word about our past and how it relates to life in the 21st century.

Upcoming Events

Knox County Historical Society

875 Harcourt Road
Mount Vernon, OH 43050

Phone No. : (740) 393-5247
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.