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Several New Exhibits at the Museum

Written by James K Gibson

The winter months give us the opportunity to do some rearranging of displays and creation of new exhibits at the Museum. For some time, we have wanted to make it much easier to move our Paul Lynde 1964 Ford Thunderbird and other items in and out of the Museum, especially for use in parades, etc. To accomplish this it was necessary to relocate all or part of several other exhibits.

So a new (and easily moved) exhibit was created for the area in front of our overhead door which will feature items from the many businesses that have operated throughout Knox County over the years. We have included items from the largest department stores down to the smallest businesses, showing everything from cash registers and shopping bags to advertising pencils and yardsticks.
Two other new exhibits are also now in place: "Science" includes Professor John Albright's ingenious box camera device for photographing lightning, as well as items from our collection of beautiful engineering slide rules, several Knox Co. scales of various sizes, examples of George Crise's successful patents, and Joe Eyster's "Mouse-trap Car."
"From Typewriters to Computers" features several of our rare early typewriters such as an 1890's Blickenderfer with its unusual key layout, all the way up to our 1960's electric IBM that visitors may try out themselves.
We also display several interesting examples of early computers, such as a Timex-Sinclair, Commodore 64, Amiga, a Video Brain, Osborne, Kaypro, Texas Instruments, an Apple IIc and Macintosh Portable. Most of the computers still operate and have their original included software.
Our "Medical History" area now includes information on local doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, veterinarians, hospitals, etc. Other highlights include our examination chairs for both dentists and opthomalogists, photos of early hospitals and information about our famous Civil War nurse, Mother Bickerdyke.
We hope you'll enjoy our new exhibits.

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Knox County Historical Society

875 Harcourt Road
Mount Vernon, OH 43050

Phone No. : (740) 393-5247
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